• Embedded Processors

실바코 IP는 Tier1 반도체 기업의 인기있는 32/16/8비트 임베디드 프로세서를 제공합니다.

ColdFireColdFire V1 ProcessorColdFire V1 core with EMAC, Divider and Cryptograhic unit
ColdFire V1 Processor PlatformColdFire V1 core with AMBA peripherals connected in a subsystem
ColdFire V2 ProcessorColdFire V2 Core low-gate count, high performance ColdFire architecture
ColdFire V2SPPC1ColdFire V2 Core with AMBA peripherals connected in a subsytem
ColdFire V2 SPP5208 Processor PlatformColdFire V2 Core with single Fast Ethernet and AMBA peripherals connected in a subsytem
ColdFire V4 ProcessorColdFire V4 Core is a high-performance delivering 500 DMIPS of performance
ColdFire V4 SPP Processor PlatformColdFire V4 Core AMBA peripherals connected in a subsystem
ColdFire V4 SPPC1 Processor PlatformColdFire V4 Core AMBA peripherals connected in a subsytem
ColdFire V4 SPPC2 Processor PlatformColdFire V4 Core with dual Fast Ethernet and AMBA peripherals connected in a subsytem
8-bit ProcessorM8051EWHigh performance, low power, 8-bit processor

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